Some of the gang took a spring ride on May 30th to a biker bar/grill near Alma Wisc called Buck Knuckles. It's a place in the middle of nowhere in the hills of western Wisc that is a magnet to bikers. Unlike many biker bars it's a friendly place more known for it's good food than a place to drink. Perfect for us since most of us are teetotalers. It was a nice, if a bit cool day for a ride and we had a great time. Because of the distance involved most of the trip was on Wisc 35 which is beautiful with nice sweeping curves if a bit busy on the ride back. We were able to spend some time near Alma on some alphabet roads which were great fun as well. Even when I got us lost on the way there! I failed to get a picture of all of us, sorry, I'm new to this :).
Wisconsin is more "open" to the covid concerns than Minnesota currently so it was good to be able to get out and gather around a picnic table. One employee said most of their customers are Minnesotans getting out of the "lock down". Thanks to all who were able to make it. It was great to see each of you, read some scripture together, pray and fellowship. Grace and Peace through our Lord Jesus.