Scripture today: Psalm
Today, Sunday the 11th, we spent a lot of time in the saddle. Some of us wanted to see Mount Rushmore so we headed south to Keystone from Deadwood for breakfast on US385. Then our plan was to circle around the west and then north on US85 to Spearfish via Alt14, the Spearfish Canyon.
But before that we unloaded Larry's trailer so he could join us on two wheels. We found a parking place in Lead at the Highschool and were on our way. I, Wayne, had a restaurant in mind that we had a breakfast buffet at two years ago on a previous Fossil's trip. However I was confused as to what town this buffet was in. I thought that the town I wanted was Hill City but when we pulled into Hill City I knew of my error in thinking. But since we were there we decided to try and find some breakfast. There was only one cafe in town serving breakfast and it had seating for about 20, which was all filled with a waiting line. So, we decided to try and find the original target buffet in the right town this time, Keystone.
Fortunately, Keystone is relavtively close to Hill City and the really good news is that we noticed on the map a county road between the two which none of us had ever travelled before. I checked with a local store owner who assured us the road did go to Keystone and it is paved. He said it follows the train track and crosses the track about a dozen times. Sounds intriging, we thought. So off we headed with the store owners instructions on how to find the turn off to what they call "Old Hill City Rd" and the map calls county 352.
This road turned out to be a delight with many curves and switchbacks and it turned out the road ended in Keystone right at the breakfast buffet we were looking for. We were very happy with the turn of events in spite of the slow Harley riders we got stuck behind and were forced to try our best to pass since they refused to pull over. We all have bitter sweet memories of the lady on the pink Harley with the white frilly saddlebacks, hugging the center line at 10 MPH.
Breakfast was delicious though late and next on to Mount Rushmore. Some of us have see "the faces" more than a couple of times so we decided to find other things to do while the others went on in. The other thing to do turned out to be a quick run up the Iron Mountain on Alt16a. Another delightfully twisty road with unique tunnels and bridges some of which frame Mount Rushmore.
We all meet back at Keystone, and realized it was getting too late to make the planned long westward cirlce around to Lead so decided to head back the fastest way which was the same way we came, US385. All the way north, we were skirting rain showers buy were not getting wet enough to stop and put on rain gear. But, when we got to Lead to put Larry's bike back on the trailer it was another story as we were hit with a steady downpour.
Our plan now was to still head up to the Spearfish Canyon but to take it a little slower than normal what with the wet roads. Some of the group, however, decided to take the quicker route on the Interstate to Spearfish, SD. So, again, being as accomodating as possible we split up again to each rider's taste. Some to the Canyon and some to the town. The Spearfish canyon is another beautiful ride with some breathtaking views of the cliffs and rocks jutting high above the curving road which follows Spearfish Creek. To top off the great ride there is a Dairy Queen at the end of the road which we felt obligated to partake in their tasty delights.
We then meet the rest of the group at the Spearfish Walmart for the gear needed for the long trek into Wyoming. Things like new rainpants, etc. By now, the rain which had let up during the ride through the Canyon was falling harder than ever. But by the time we got out of the store to hit the Interstate west, it was letting up again. And, indeed we really didn't get wet at all after that. The sun was shining nicely after 50 miles or so into Wyoming.
The scenery in Wyoming was very nice, improving with each mile as we traveled west. With more rolling hills turning into the mountains in the distance as we got closer to our final destination of the day of Buffalo. Our accomadations tonight is in a small by nice motel on the west end of town. Perfect for our final push west on US16 into the mountains tomorrow. We had a late supper tonight at a steak shop which served a great steak.
Our "meetings on the road" bible study tonight was about Elisha meeting the mean kids who made fun of his baldness. Last night we studied the Ethiopian Eunich meeeting Phillip on the road in Samaria. Every evening's Bible study will be about a meeting on a road.
Tomorrow Yellowstone!