We held a meeting of Fossils today, Saturday, February 28, 2009 at OCB in Maple Grove. Those attending were Dave, Keith R, Lloyd, Jim, Larry, Tim, Jeff, Greg, Steve and Wayne. A special welcome to our new Fossil, Dave!
In addition to a hearty breakfast buffet and spirited catching up all around we settled on some ride dates:
1. Spring Ride: Date will be Saturday, May 30, which is the Saturday after Memorial Day. Exact plans are still to be determined but the scuttle butt is that we will let Jeff find the roads and we will all attempt to keep up. Stay tuned for more details.
2. Summer Trip: Dates are August 14-17. Plan is to leave town Thursday afternoon after work and head to Wayne's hunting shack in Wisconsin, up Hayward direction. Once there we will set that up as HQ for the long weekend and head out from there on day trips. One idea that was received well is to head north to Bayfield via some twisty roads. After getting there we can take the ferry across to Madeline Island, ride around the loop, perhaps stay over night at a park or a B&B or maybe Larry's son's property. Again, details forthcoming.
3. Fall Ride: Saturday October 3. Tentative plan is to head up to Tim's cabin on Friday night the 2nd and stay there. Stay tuned...