Today we spent the day doing what we came this far to do: riding fast on twisty roads. It was a day of one nice twisty road after the other. We headed south from Harrison on State Hwy 7, west on State 123, north on State 21, west on State 16, north on State 23 back to Eureka Springs where we had lunch/supper yesterday. So, you can see, we didn't really get anywhere today. But on a motorcycle trip the best days aren't days with a destination but days of great riding. Today was a day of great riding. It was hot, sunny and in the 90's but the great roads made up for the less than ideal weather.
After a pseudo breakfast of bagels at the motel we said goodbye to Gordy. He was heading up to Branson with the truck & trailer where he would look around a wait for Larry to get done riding the twisties with us other three. Scripture reading for the morning was Isaiah 45; "there is no other God but me". About 70 miles south of Harrison we stopped at what was marked as a town for gas, a town called "Palsor". There was one country store there but no gas. We went inside anyhow and met the friendlist lady by the name of Jenny. Jenny and her husband had moved from Wisconsin the year before and bought this little store which was the whole town. She is a great cook and everyday smokes fresh brisket. Lloyd and I had the best bread pudding muffin I have ever tasted in my life. Keith and Larry had a fresh cinamon roll and split a brisket sandwich. All the food was outstanding. We then spent more time conversing with Jenny. She is a delightful christian woman.
Jenny told us the closest gas was back 6 miles so we backtracked to that gas station because Larry was on reserve and probably wouldn't make it too much further down the road. By now it was getting very hot whenever we weren't on the bike. It felt good to get back on and head back past Jenny's place and south and west on State 123.
The rest of the morning and early afternoon was spent on the state roads mentioned above. We stopped at a very unusual burger joint in a little town with an unusual name: "Ozone". They made a good burger though.
At one crossroads it was time for Larry to cut away and head up to Branson where he would meet Gordy, trailer up his bike and head for home. We meanwhile headed further west on another twisty road and worked our way up to Eureka Springs. We tried to do a DQ stop in a town called Hunterville. But there seems to be no DQ's in Arkansas so we had to settle for a McDonalds. It was nice to cool off in the A/C. The heat was pretty bad.
We've found a nice place to stay here in Eureka Springs. Keith heated up some left over ribs then headed to a laundry mat. Lloyd and Wayne, found a restaurant and we were able to eat again.
Tomorrow, is more twisty roads, maybe a boat ride for the bikes. Then, Lord willing, up to Branson. I, of course, will let you know what really happens.