In September, 2007 we took a fall day ride to Red Wing, MN. It was well attended with around 20 riders in spite of the forecast threat of rain. The forecast was correct and it started to drizzle short of Red Wing and was pouring in buckets by the time we made it to Gordy's house. Fortunately, Gordy was ready for us with chairs set up in his garage and drinks and snacks in his foyer. The fellowship was great as we sat, waiting for the rain to let up. After a couple of hours we realized that the rain wasn't going to stop anytime soon so decided to forgo any more of the planned ride and find a restaurant for lunch.
After lunch we headed home and halfway back, the rain stopped and the sun came out. Half of the group wanted to go home and dry out and half of us wanted to continue our ride. So, we split up according to our desires. Those of us continuing the ride headed west over to Le Seur area and found a Dairy Queen so we could eat again! (we ate a lot that day). Then Jeff lead us onto some twisty roads around the MN River back to the cities. Turned out to be a great day in spite of the rain.
Greg wrote a great synopsis of his impressions of his ride:
Psalm 133:1-3
1 How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!
2 It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard, running down on Aaron's beard, down upon the collar of his robes.
3 It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion. For there the LORD bestows his blessing, even life forevermore.
The challenge for the day was to see the glory and the grace of God in the created things that we saw and felt and heard throughout the day. We saw His grace in the beauty of the colors and textures and motion. His creative nature displayed in the rolling hills and valleys. His peace could be felt when viewing the ponds, lakes and streams; his power in the wind. Even in the neat, even rows of crops winding their way over the wavy landscape - the beauty of the Lord was on display in all it's magnificence. While waiting out the rain at Gordy's, the sound of the wind outside and the rain falling on the pavement was like pleasant music. But it was hard to top the expression of God's love and grace more than in the time spent with this group of men - the uniqueness of each individual, the capabilities and giftedness carefully dispensed by our loving creator to each one - spoke clearly of His grace and wisdom and power and love.
I hope you all benefitted, as I did, in the time spent together - the encouragement, the laughs, the opportunities to get acquainted with some new guys, or better acquainted with some you had previously known. The gift of hospitality given by Paul and Liz, and Gordy and Nancy evidenced lives sprinkled with grace and joy and the love of the Savior. Thanks for a great ride and for what each of you brought to it! I hope you all experienced God's love and grace in all the created things... Maybe that wasn't rain after all - maybe it was precious oil poured on the head, or the dew of Hermon...
Until we ride again, God's peace,