We had our spring ride on Sunday, June 22 (yes, I know that is actually summer). It started at Al's house in Owatonna where we met and introduced ourselves, discussed the Yellowstone Trip and talked about important matters. There were around 20 of us in Al's garage, including some new Fossils. Some of the new guys were very envious of those of us wearing our "Fossil Apostle" t-shirts and were wondering how to get one. The link to the web site is posted to the right. A poll was taken of who are planning to join us on the August trip and there will be around 18 coming along! Al had an excellent presentation and handout on safety and the rules of group riding.
From Owatonna we rode points east on country roads to Waubasha MN. The weather was perfect for riding, the roads were nice and twisty, the scenery was great and the company even better.
From Waubasha we headed north on US61 to Red Wing to Gordy's house. He had called ahead to tell his wife of our plans and she got the pizzas, snacks and soft drinks ready for us. Thanks, Mrs Gordy! We enjoyed the refreshments in Gordy's backyard patio. A very nice end of a very nice ride.
The sun was getting low as we left Red Wing so we choose the most direct route back to the Cities.
All in all an excellent afternoon of fellowship and riding. Thanks to all of you, and a special thanks to Al and Gordy for the hospitality.